Blog Post Number 400

Yay! I need to blog more though.

Today I took a cake recipe and converted it from pumpkin to sweet potato. I had a bumper crop of sweet taters this year and am determined to use them up for once. So I am going to find recipes that call for pumpkin puree and substitute sweet potatoes. This particular recipe is a Bundt cake. It turned out well, smells good, but it's not cooled and glazed yet, so it is still untested. I hope it has a pretty color.

Some motorcycle club must be having a big run today; so far more than 20 riders have gone by in separate little groups. It's funny; when I moved out here from Portland, the last thing I expected was groups of motorcycles going whizzing past. But this is one of their through roads, I guess. One of the neighbors up the road is a serious biker I believe.

That's all for today.


Donna. W said…
I'm doing the same thing as you, only with butternut squash. So far, anything that works for pumpkin also works with squash.

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