This and That
Google is being glitchy about which pictures it allows me to post. I have more pictures on my phone than what it shows when I try to post one here, so the "this and that" I am going to post here is partly based on what pictures I have available to post. Hence my first subject is this kitten. We, Ellen and I, decided to call her Chica, but it just doesn't fit somehow. Oh well. Smudge is learning to tolerate her, and will even show interest in playing when Chica is on one of her playing fits; romping around like a cat gone wild. A funny thing about Smudge; she, like many in the family here, has a weight problem. At her last vet visit she'd gained a pound and was up to 16, which is very chunky for a cat. The vet says that cats only need 1/2 cup of kibble per day. Smudge would eat that much for breakfast and then pester for more. All. Day. Long! For the past 6 months I've only bought her weight control food, painstakingly measured...