Another Reflection: Internet Men

Continuing on with my anniversary reflections.

Occasionally people will ask me how I met my husband and how I ended up in Missouri when I was living in Oregon.

The world wide web snatched me up and flung me over here. Yes, it did.

At one point in 2003 I believe it was, I finally decided to bite the bullet and buy a computer. (My brother was so helpful in making this he must bear some of the blame for my being here in Missouri.)

After getting the computer one of the first things I did was to join a couple of pen pal sites. One of them automatically asked me if I also wanted to put a blurb in their singles site. So I did.

Look out!

As expected, I got several replies from overseas. I also got a reply from a Baptist minister in Georgia and one from some farmer in Missouri. I had to look up Missouri on the map to see where it was. Seriously. (I know, I am bad.)

The guy in Missouri wanted my phone number. We talked quite a bit. He had a dairy. I liked him a lot. Too bad he lived way out in Missouri.

To make a long story short, after a year I went to visit him. Five months after that I married him.

What astounded me was that only one...ONE...of my friends and none...NOT ONE...of my family, said anything contrary to the whole thing. Quit your job, leave all your family and friends on the West Coast, move across the country and marry some INTERNET GUY!?!? ARE YOU CRAZY!!??

Only one, a pen pal in Kansas, was skeptical of the whole thing, but she just opined that maybe I ought to think about it more.

That was all. My family cheerfully waved me adios, and most even happily came out for the wedding. Not a word to the contrary.

In retrospect they were right to not worry. It's been seven years and we, my husband and I, are happy as clams. I miss my family and friends, I wish they were all here too. But I have more family and new friends to add to the old, so all is well.


Unknown said…
Okay, my dear. How is it that we have "known" each other for years now and I haven't heard this story before?! LOL! I LOVE it!! What a great story to share with the wee one when she's older. Wonder what the grandkids would say? Wonder what dating would be like for their generation? Wow. Way ahead of myself.

You've inspired me to write a post of Hubby's and my story. Funny how you and I were both rooted up from our homes and transplanted onto farms! LOL! Kindred spirits, I guess! xoxo
Donna. W said…
Thanks for satisfying my curiosity. I had wondered how you met your husband for a long time. I think I knew you met him on the Internet, but I didn't know "how". You sure did have a drastic change of lifestyle: being a farmer's wife, especially a dairyman's wife, isn't for sissies.
Calfkeeper said…
C-haha..I have often wondered what technology will be like for our kids once they hit the teen years. I am sure dating will be very different too. I will have to read your story. Yes, kindred spirits!

Donna-Yes, the first year here was actually very hard. Everything was new and I had to work out so many new routines. Plus learn how to drive a tractor! haha...Maybe that'd be a good blog post!

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