Archaic Coffee

 OK  Well, the coffee itself isn't exactly archaic, although I do buy it at the discount grocery store, so it might be a smidge past the sell-by date.  I refuse to pay $10 for a bag of coffee.  I think they charge about $3.50 for a bag of Starbucks coffee grounds at the discount grocery store.  And since I like it black that is what I get.  Some people say Starbucks tastes like burnt beans, but that is what I like, so that is what I enjoy every day.

In any case; this is how I make it:

I have no clue what the correct coffee terminology for this is; drip?  I heat water, not quite boiling, then pour over the grounds.  I do have the Keurig I used at my mom's when she was still around.  She loved her little coffee maker, when she was still able to remember how to make her own coffee. I don't use it though, the pods are super expensive, and wasteful.  I have tried the reusable pods, but they just got grit into the coffee, and that is even grosser than the taste of burnt coffee beans, in my mind. 

I have had the little blue thingy for well over 30 years now.  I got it from my sister-in-law when I lived with them in Portland.  I remember the day she gave it to me.  She was setting up a yard sale, pulled it out of a box or bag, asked if I would use it, and handed it to me when I said yes.  It came as a set, with a mug of the same color blue.  I can't even remember how long ago the mug left my life, it must have chipped or broken and been tossed.  But my archaic coffee maker lives on.

I am, in fact, aware that there may have been unsavory chemicals used in the making of the blue thingy.  But my hope is that, after 30 years, perhaps they have all leached out.  If anyone has ever seen the like available now, in a different form, I'd appreciate if you could direct me to it.  However, even then I might not get rid of this one.  The older I get the more set in my ways I become.


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