"Carrie" George...
otherwise known as "Curious George," the monkey who belongs to the man with the yellow hat, but called "Carrie" by Ellen, made a pretty big showing this Chistmas. Thank you to Portland Aunt for the package we got a day or so ago. In it was a Curious G. book AND stuffed version of the fellow. Ellen loves them. A friend of mine from CA also sent a version of CG that runs on batteries; push his tummy and he yawns and plays a few bars of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. He is dressed for bed and has a blankie and a teddy. Ellen loves him, but won't touch him yet because she is suspicious of a monkey that plays music, I suppose. She has quite the monkey collection; a blue long armed affair that hoots when you push his tummy (from MO grandma), one with magnets in his hands a feet who perches on the fridge (she loves to play with him on occasion too-from her aunt and uncle in Portland), a little red monkey her dad got free at a yard sale (it's one of those McDon...