Food from the recent past...

I was elated to find this cucumber out in the garden patch back when I took a photo of the dearly departed Luke. This cuke didn't last any longer than Luke did. I picked it and ate it on the spot.

Well, it's almost 9 PM, the baby is squalling and I need to get to bed. I will try and read your comments, if any, tomorrow.


Amrita said…
this year our cukes weere scorched in the burning sun, so e only got tto.
jel said…
I'm shocked,
ya got rid of Larry the cucumber,

what will Bob, the tomater do now?

what will happen to the Veggie Tales now???????

bummer :(
Calfkeeper said…
OK, the pic of the cuke didn't take, I was in too much of a hurry. Sorry. See next post...

amrita-that's too bad, I love cucumbers. So far it hasn't been too hot here for anything, but the bugs have been really bad.

jel-HAHA...Bob the tomater will follow Larry the cuke; down the hatch he'll go. The Veggie Tales will have to come up with new characters, unfortunately it won't be Luke the Zuke either. hehehe

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