A day of kids and corn...

Today was the first day of Vacation Bible School at church. Attendance is down somewhat this year, most people attribute it to the price of fuel. Dunno. Maybe so. At any rate I am team teaching with the pastor's wife, the 3rd and 4th graders; we had 8 students, but the "older" class ahead of us only had one so she joined ours. It was a good day. They are impressed by the fact I speak Spanish, so they want to learn part of their memory verse in Spanish. This should be fun.

A couple of years ago I taught one class how to sing "Jesus Loves Me" in Spanish. They drove their parents nuts at home singing it.

One thing I learned long ago from my mom, who was a teacher's aide in gradeschool, is that kids are so honest and you learn the beatin'est things about their family lives from them. Things you don't really WANT to know. So far they haven't divulged too much personal stuff. But one Wed night (I teach the Wed night teen class) one student was disgusted that his mom collected and read those cheezy romance novels; has a whole wall of shelves full of them. Hmmm...not really info I cared to know.

So today, after herding 9 children ages 8-10 around for 3 hours during the morning, I came home and processed 66 cups of corn that my hubby and m-i-l had shucked and cut off the cob this morning. I boiled it for a couple minutes, packed it all into freezer bags, iced them down and then tossed them in the upright freezer. YUM!!! There's nothing quite like homegrown corn.

I remember when we were kids my dad would grow what seemed to be a vast field of corn and we would go out and raid it; eat it raw, straight off the stalk. That is one thing that evokes the strongest memories of childhood and summers; the taste of fresh, raw produce straight from the garden. Hubby thinks I am crazy for going out in the garden and grazing off of stuff raw; green beans, carrots, cucumbers, peas, corn, turnips. But to me that's the tastiest way to do it; hose it off and chow down.


moe said…
You realize that they are telling their parents things about YOU, too, right? Middleschool Moe used to come home from gradeschool with really freaky information about her teachers ("my teacher's sister had to be my teacher's slave for her birthday for one whole day" or "if you run over a squirrel but it isn't dead yet, my teacher says you put it in a bag and hit it with a rock, but you might feel bad later, even though it is Necessary" etc.) Lord knows what they know about ME, of course.

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