Frosty Morning

 Yesterday Bella and I went on our long walk despite the temperatures being in the 20s.  You can see the white frost on the grass.  The sun had melted the white from the trees, so it made an interesting contrast.  

We don't go far when we are down there, usually I just walk back and forth along the tree line.  Gary mows and "hay" this particular field down there every year.  This past summer he'd left a mown strip of hay along the far edge of the field, so I have just been walking that.  It is interesting to note that the coyotes also like to use that hay as their pathway.  When it snowed that was where their tracks showed up.  There is also quite a bit of canine scat piles along that hay line.  I am pretty sure it's coyote scat because I can see fur in it; sometimes grass wads.

I am sure they, the coyotes, do a great deal of their hunting for rodents down in there.  In the one little section that Gary doesn't mow the grass grows quite tall, then falls over and creates large mats and tangles that make great rodent habitat.  Bella loves digging for them too.  Yesterday she got busy in one spot and later came running up to me with her nose and paws all brown and muddy.  


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