Reflections on Birthday Number Five

Way back when I was younger and single I always wondered what would ever possess someone to have children. My main influence in this was my first nephew; he and my sister came to stay with us during his first 2 years of life. I was a self-centered 12 yr most 12 yr olds are. I rensented the intrusion of a self-centered baby (as all babies are). At age 12 one sees all the trouble, work and distraction that go into raising a child. One does not see how a child can add anything to life.

When I grew old and married I began to see things differently. I began to believe that a child might add something to my life. Ellen came along soon after this revelation. But it was not until AFTER she entered our lives that I realized how much a child can add to your life. And how the trouble, work and distraction are more than compensated by love, laughter and the satisfaction of seeing a life being formed.

For five years I have marvelled at her growth, watched her personality form, and laughed with her.

What fun to see her smile!


jel said…
happy bday Ellen,
hard to belive that she is 5!

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