Cold, calves and schools

It has been cold here in the Ozarks the past few days. Temps well below freezing. I am so looking forward to spring, even though it means more work; gardening and such.

We had two calves arrive this weekend; one on Fri and one Sat. Both heifers. We are glad they are heifers, bull calves are hard to get rid of nowadays. You practically have to give them away. We were selling them for $150, but now they are barely bringing $25 at the auctions.

The price per 100 weight of milk is supposed to plummet, but I am quite sure that won't be reflected in the grocery stores.

The big news here in town is that they are going to try and close the local grade school-grades K-5, I believe it is, and merge it with the main shool in Buffalo. Most of the locals are up in arms about it. They are having a school board meeting tonight and will hear public comments on it. The opponents have chosen 5 spokespersons. We are curious as to the results of it.


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