More terms I forgot last time

Oh, are some terms I forgot to include:

Bobbies: the bull calves we get rid of. (Thank you Donna, for this one)

dry cows: cows on vacation for a couple months until they come fresh

fresh cows: cows that have just had a calf

freemartin: a sterile heifer calf. These generally are the twin sister of a bull calf. We have had quite a few twins while I have been here, if the twins are a bull and a heifer we always sell them both because the freemartin isn't worth keeping to try and see if she will breed.

I haven't been able to get on the computer much lately due to patchy internet service and I haven't really had much time to think up anything amusing to post here. Bear with me...

Thank you!


Donna. W said…
When life gets too boring to blog about here, I post old photos from my childhood; most of them have a story behind them.

Say, what do you DO with your bull calves? And how much are they bringing these days?
Calfkeeper said…
We have a couple we sell them to, they raise bobbies. They pay $150 for them, but we sell the twins to them for $200 a pair since they are smaller than singleton calves. Sometimes if the calf has a problem we'll cut the price then, too. Usually the only problem we have with bull calves, though it happens with heifers too, is the contracted tendon issue.

Yes, I will have to go looking for old photos.

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