What We Have Going On...

 Maybe I will call this a House of Howard entry.

 For one thing, I am here on the laptop, where I no longer have access to the photos on my new iPhone.  I think it has something to do with Google cookies, or some sitch like that.  I can never keep track of the whys; why one thing won't work but another one will. But for now, while I am on here, I won't post a photo..unless it's an old one I guess.  

It is February 6th, 2025 and we are in the midst of frantically planning out our activities for the next 4-6 months or so.  There are so many different things going on I am not sure I will keep everything straight. Here is the run down:

*Ellen has decided that she wants some sort of graduation party, so I need to find a place to have that.  It would just be a small one for her friends, kind of a drop in and hang out for a bit, then go home type of thing.  

*Parties need invitations.  I need to figure something out there.

*Ellen will graduate from high school on May 9th.

*Graduations need invitations/announcements.  I have got to get those ordered.

*Ellen and I want to go to Oregon to visit my brother. Those travel plans need to be finalized and plane tickets purchased.

*Ellen has been invited to potentially go on a vacation with a friend, to their cabin in Oklahoma.  I gave a hesitating "Yes." I mean she will be 18 at the end of this month, so I guess she needs to be allowed some leeway to make her own summer vacation plans. 

*I am not sure if we will take a vacation as a family or not this year.  I think Gary is vacationed out.  Haha..  He wasn't enthusiastic when I mentioned it to him before.  It is such a production when we go on vacation.  I would rather skip the production and just enjoy being away from home.  But that isn't to be.  I would just as soon take a couple/three different extended weekend trips and stay in one place for 3 nights or so here in Missouri/Ark/OK and relax, as to make an extended driving vacation where we stay a different place almost every night for a full week. Packing and unpacking bedding every night and morning ruins a vacation as far as I am concerned.  

*Ellen's birthday.  That is the end of this month.  I have nothing for her yet.  She can't think of a thing she really wants...well, one thing.  I have to figure out how to get that for her. She is very particular about what clothes she wears. Plus she has plenty of clothes already.

Oddly enough, most everything seems to center around Ellen.  Haha...  Well, she is at the tine in her life where everything happens at once. After college things might settle down.  But I doubt it.  She loves to be in the thick of things happening.  And that is good, too.  She will have lots of adventures to tell the next generation about. Unlike me.  I have a couple of adventures, but they are fairly mild. 



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