December Blooms 2

 I think this is my Christmas cactus.  It has spiky leaves.  I think the Thanksgiving cactus has smoother leaves....well, I know they aren't technically leaves, but you know what I mean.

This is the second year this has bloomed.  I love it.  So pretty.  

Of course, these have to be "forced" to bloom.  I don't really have a safe dark spot to put it ..well...I would have if I'd clean out a cupboard or a wardrobe...but whatever.  I put it in the bathtub of our dinky bathroom and put a dark cloth over it.  I keep it there for a month or so...all of November at least.  I noticed a couple of weeks ago that it was starting a few tiny buds on it.  I left it in the dark a little bit longer, then took it out last week.  It doesn't have a great deal of buds or blooms, but enough that it will be lovely for a couple of weeks at least.

Last year I repotted it after it bloomed and it nearly died.  I'm not sure what to do this time.  🤔 

So I seem to have the annoying habit of thinking up a lesson or life application for my blog posts. This is what I was thinking for this one;

There will be times in life where you will have been taken out of your planting zone...your comfort zone, as it were.  Given the choice, you wouldn't be there under any circumstances.  But there you are.  And there perhaps someone will want or need something from you that you are not sure you have it to give.

Try any way.  Even if it's just a smile, a card, a simple gesture of friendship.  Do something to brighten up someone's day.  It might help brighten your own day as well.

Just a thought.  

Thanks for being here.  Thanks for reading.


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