Woes with Weeds and Weedeater

 This was supposed to have posted 2 days ago, on Friday morning.  But we have been having trouble with our internet service going up and down.  So apparently this didn't even post.  


Mercy me.  We got another half inch of rain last night.  So much for the garden drying out to be able to till it.

I had figured on that happening.  So what with the weeds well above my knees in some areas I just hauled out the weed eater and whacked them down yesterday.  The ground sure wouldn't dry out with that tangle of greenery over it.  About halfway through the strings on the weed eater broke off flush inside

You can see I got one side untangled, but was still working on the other.  I had to bring it in the house and get the box cutter involved.

Then I we t back out and went after it again.  Before I was finished it was gone again, so I just quit, but I eliminated most of the weeds.

You can see there is still a small patch there on the right, near the back. You can also see where Gary tried tilling the other day, but the mud kept jamming the tiller tines.  
I have been using the hoe, and my hands, to weed the actual rows....the weeds amongst the plants, so maybe if I keep things weedeated out between the rows I will end up having some sort of semblance of a garden that will produce something.  The green beans are blooming like crazy now, but if there are all sorts of weeds blooming too, then the pollinators will likely give all of their attention to the weeds and not to the vegetables.  Grrr...  Thus the weed eater becomes necessary.  


Donna. W said…
I have gathered many fine vegetables from a weedy garden. when the kids were little, I wasn't very good about weeding.
Calfkeeper said…
That is true. I remember when Ellen was little, too. The green beans grew pretty well through the weeds.

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