Beef Farming Happenings

 This little fellow wouldn't cooperate with me for a good photo, but he is the first of our calves to go to a new home.  Gary registered all of our pure bred Angus calves.  This one is going to a place near Elkland, MO to a guy who is raising him to breed his little herd of Angus.  

We have two Angus/Holstein cross calves; both heifers I might be a bull, I am not sure.  We are not sure what we are going to do with them, but they will be privately sold.  As in; we will not take them to the sale barn.  Gary listed the calves as for sale on Craig's List yesterday morning and got a call just an hour or two later.  There is also a different guy who was interested in buying all of the registered bulls as he raises and sells them himself.  But he wasn't going to come look about them until the end of the week. 

I'm kind of glad the guy got this first bull yesterday.  I like to know they are going straight to their new permanent home from here.  I've not let myself get too attached to the calves because I knew they were going to have to leave eventually, but I am glad they aren't going to the sale barn.  

Gary is going to sell the registered heifer calves as well.  I don't think we really want to grow our herd any larger.  Plus, if you keep the heifers, you really ought to get different bulls so you aren't inbreeding.  Some people do that.  Or they play musical fields and trade bulls around from spot to spot.  But we aren't set up to do that.  

After two years of having this little herd of Angus beef, this is the first actual income from them.  Farming is certainly not a get rich quick operation; that's for sure. 


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