My Whole30 Story

Not that my story is all that terribly dramatic.  However I did get on here and on Facebook and talk a bit about it, so I thought I'd wrap up the first 30 days.

Yes.  I did write the FIRST thirty days.

Today is Day 30 of my Whole30.  Here are my results:

*  This morning the scale advised me that I'd lost 10 pounds!  Yay!  This is really a pretty dramatic weight loss for four weeks of not half trying.  I did 30 minute to 1 hour walks 4-5 times per week.  But no major workouts.  And, with the exception of about 3-4 oopsies, I followed the program to the letter.

*  I can honestly say I went a WHOLE month without sugar!  This is a biggee for me.  My sugar dragon used to wake up roaring every morning, and roared loudly most of the day.  I will not say I do not have the occasional desire for chocolate; but the craving to consume everything and anything sugary is now pretty much quenched. 

*  I know this is TMI, but it has to be noted.  My GI tract is running quite smoothly.  No more constipation problems.  I do not know if that is related to eliminating dairy or not.  But it's a relief in more ways than one. 

*  Only once in the whole 30 days did I ever feel bloated or uncomfortably full.  And that was when I ate a bit too much of the roasted chicken and veggies one evening. 

*  Maybe it's my imagination but my joints don't seem as stiff.  My hands still get achy at times from too much activity or from the cold, but overall I feel more limber.  It's hard to describe.

*  This one isn't going to make sense either, but maybe it's just an overall feeling.  I don't feel as sludgy as I used to.  I think that comes from no sugar and no processed junk. 

*  I still get stuffed up from pollen when I'm out in the wind.  But I don't feel as stuffed up all the time; like the nasal drip down the back of my throat is gone.  Maybe the absence of dairy. 

*  Occasionally I feel so blase about food that I just don't want to bother fixing a meal to eat.  

Those are my most noticeable results.

My goal is to continue on for a Whole60, though I do plan on trying out legumes for a day.  And for now that is all I plan to test out. 

Ellen is bemoaning the fact that I am not going to have desserts like a "real mommy" should.  But I am hesitant to do so and break my good record.  Not to mention awaken the sugar dragon.  haha

I also plan on adding spinning or aerobics to the mix, to see if it will help the weight loss. 


(Thankful for the Lord helping me though this program and gaining so many good results.)


Janice Perea said…
Aerobics really good and help to weight loss for sure. I think you should try it.

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