The PIP pup

In case you aren't a follower of my blog, (and I wouldn't blame you) you may not know that my 4 year old has this thing with people giving her things. Here is yet another example.
This dog head was on the post for the mailbox in front of our internet service provider’s office in Buffalo. Ever since Ellen has been big enough to notice it, for the past 3 years or so, she has wanted me to hold her up so she could pet the doggy. The receptionist would smile and tell Ellen not to forget to pet the dog on the way out.

Well, I had noticed the past few months that it was getting rather wobbly. Then this summer we went in there one month and it was gone, but the regular lady wasn’t there. The next month Gary went in to pay the bill. Then just this past Friday we went in there. The lady WAS there; she saw us come in, groped back behind her desk and handed this over to Ellen because; “I know you loved it so much and it would have just been thrown away.”


So now I am working on a repair job on the paint. You can’t really see in this picture but it is rather chipped up.

When we got into the car with the thing I asked her what we were going to do with it, (since I didn’t think it’d be nice to refuse it and let the lady hear Ellen squall about it.) Ellen just looked at me and said; “We’ll drill a hole in a post and put it there.” I just laughed, now how can you beat that logic? She knew exactly what she’d do with the thing the minute she knew it was hers.

I almost have it repainted completely. I will post a new pic when I have it finished.


Frau Guten Tag said…
I sure hope I dont have that issue with Joseph!! So far we dont lol

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