Weekend Neighbors

A little over 3 years ago our second closest neighbor's house burned down. He and his wife subsequently settled with the insurance and got out of Dodge; bought a place in Wisconsin. He had has the place here next to us up for sale for over a couple of years now.

Well, glory hallelujah! It finally sold on Friday; they went and signed the papers and such. The former owner spent all last week hauling junk off of the place.

We are so happy that the new owners are a nice couple from up near Lake of the Ozarks. They are going to use the place as a weekend retreat. At first they are going to just put up their RV here and come down and work on the place as they can.

For those in the know, the former owners, MN and his wife, are actually wanting to come back to this area and are looking for property here. Apparently Missouri is a better place than Wisconsin. From what I hear the taxes are killer up there.


Dairy news

We have two new little bottle calves as of Thursday I believe. Hubby is working our new land acquisition, re-doing the fences...etc. We are going to transfer a bunch of little heifers over there as soon as he is finished.

The garden is partly in and starting to come up; onions, radishes, lettuce, carrots, a little bit of spinach and some cabbages. Once again, I could live without cabbages, but hubby and his family love it.

That's all for now, I feel like my head it about to explode. Argh!


jel said…
glad that they sold it

but if they want it to move back why didn't they keep the place and build on it?

sorry about your headach, hope it's better soon,,

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