Ellen's First Movie

Last night I went with the in-laws to see "FireProof." Of course we took Ellen with us. She did really well, surprisingly enough. She sat there and helpfully pointed out and identified certain objects she was familiar with; "flag, flag," "car, car, car," "water, water." Fortunately she was sitting on her aunt's lap, not mine. But she wasn't too loud about it.

Fireproof was a really good, family-values focused movie, much funnier than I'd expected it to be, though the dialogue was a bit stilted in places. But it was worth the trip. At least I guess it was worth it. Ellen went to sleep partway through and that made for a cranky, wide-awake kid when we got home. We had to have a lesson in going to sleep without mommy holding her, it took about 20 minutes of squalling before she finally settled down.

I forgot to tell about Ellen's Halloween. I didn't take her trick-or-treating or dress her up or anything. We went to her Play Day event, where "she" made a paper candy corn and a little itsy bitsy spider climbing up the water spout; which was one of those plastic spider rings attached by a black length of yarn to one of those over-sized straws. She liked it.

That night we got out usual 3 trick-or-treaters in the form of cousins. Cousin William, who is 6 months younger than Ellen, was dressed up as a turtle.

Later Ellen went up to visit Grandma and Auntie and they gave her 4 little candies in a plastic baggie. She was so proud of them, she didn't want to give them up. I sat her in her highchair and she sat there taking the candies in and out of the bag; at one point she'd hoik up her leg and tuck them under her leg, then take and put them back in the bag. It was funny to watch. I had never given her candy before so she didn't really know what it was, but she was sure proud of it.


moe said…
Awwwww. I loved the movie behavior. We should all speak in tiny voices, single nouns only, while at the movies. And sit on each others laps.

I remember taking a group of 3 to 5 year olds to see "Muppet Movie" a long time ago, and looking over from handing out banana chunks, or kermit dancing with miss piggy, or some such thing, to see tiny cute little Donna Lee CRYING. "Donna Lee. Are you crying ?" "...yes!" "Donna Lee. Why are you crying?" "...its so SCARY." oops.
Calfkeeper said…
moe-I had to chuckle at the idea of us all sitting on each other's laps in the movies. We might get kicked out of the theaters for doing that. ha. I don't blame Donna Lee; the muppets scare me too.

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