
I have to type really fast here as I can hear a thunderstorm moving in. Yes, it has been wet and rainy here the past couple of days; typical spring weather. Yesterday in the rain hubby did his bush-hogging (mowing) up on the old homestead, then he spread some fertilizer. After about 2 hours of doing this he came back in soaked, but glad the job was done.

While he was up there bush-hogging he found the remains of a calf fetus; apparently one of the cows aborted a couple of days ago. This happens occasionally. He figured out which cow it was and looked at his records; she was due in about 31/2 months. Her udder swelled up and she is milking OK, I believe.

Hunter is back at it. He got two turkeys for himself, but he loves hunting so much that he's up here again. This time he told hubby that he's getting one for US! Great! Never having gutted or plucked any fowl of any kind, this ought to be an adventure. Maybe he'll be kind enough to gut it for us while he's down there. Hubby said maybe he'd have his mom do it, but I won't let her do it by herself. If I help I'll send a feather or 5 to anyone who wants some. Ha.


Anonymous said…
The thought of gutting a bird creeps me out. I'm a real wuss when it comes to stuff like that.

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