Thanksgiving 2017

No pictures for this one; just random thoughts. 

Monday evening my bro Dan drove up for about a 36 hr visit.  He still had to work, remotely w/ his computer and cell phone, but we got in a good visit.  It was good to see him though he couldn't stay for Turkey Day today.

All seven of us (Gary, Ellen, myself and the 3 in-laws) hied ourselves over to my mom's place for Thanksgiving, various ones of us toting bits and pieces of the meal. SIL gets a free turkey from work, so she fixes the turkey, plus dressing and dessert. And a tray of cranberry sauce.

 Aunt-in-law always -for every get-together-fixes a big pot of pinto beans w/ham; cooked on her wood stove.  It might seem strange to have pinto beans for the holidays; but they are delish.  She always gives us the leftovers because she knows how much Gary loves them.  I usually put half of them in the freezer for later on.  Anyway, she also brought lemonade and mixed veggies.

I did home-made mashed taters, gravy from cans that Elna sent over, deviled eggs, and two low-carb desserts; a German Walnut cake and a low-carb pumpkin cheese cake, both of which were very good. Oh and some real whipped whipping cream to go along with them.  That was a hit. 

We listened to my mom's same 2 or three stories of growing up and her trip to Georgia back when she was 15 yrs old; which would have been back in 1944. 

Ellen and I have them mostly memorized because she frequently shares th on Sundays when we are over there for dinner after church.  AND she shares it most every time duringem the ladies meetings at church once per month.Here is basically what she says;

"Oooo...I had and aunt 6 months older than I was, and an uncle who was one month younger.  So I was never the eagerly awaited anticipated first grandchild."

Then she laughs,

Then she goes on to tell her story about how she, her sister, and her uncle went on a trip to Georgia back when they were 15 yrs old.


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