Happy Resurrection Day!

On another blog I follow the question was posed: Why did Christians embrace the cross as their symbol when it represents such suffering? I can understand why. But I guess to my mind the real representation of my faith isn't the cross; it would be the empty tomb. But that would be hard to depict and wear around one's neck, wouldn't it? I think the Catholic faith is the one that probably made the cross more popular. But that is just my humble opinion.


Today on the dairy.

1. We went to church after doing morning chores.
2. There was a record turnout there; 107 people! Most of them were CEO Christians of course (that would be Christmas and Easter Only folks)
3. Came home, then went to in-laws for dinner.
4. Came home, rested about 40 minutes then went to visit more in-laws. (All in-laws are within less than a mile from us.)
5. Came back home, got a loaf of bread going in the bread machine and got on computer.

Have to go now; must do research and answer my regular email.


Anonymous said…
I agree with you on the whole symbol thing. The cross is important, but not nearly as important as the empty tomb.

Happy Easter!!
Amrita said…
Without the cross where would the tomb would just be like any other i suppose.

There are many CEO Christians here too. I like that term.

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