Fun things to do in Missouri

Here's a list of fun things to do in Missouri; besides feed calves, ride 4-wheelers and the like:

1. First off; going on a float trip down the river...see pic above. This was on a section of the Niangua close to us here. Some people like river rafting, I prefer the peacefulness of just drifting along and enjoying the scenery. Of course there are some fast sections, but it was for the most part pretty slow.

2. Silver Dollar City. This is a family oriented amusement park, the theme of which is Missouri life in the 1800s. They have modern entertainment too, but if you're ever there go to the saloon and see the dance hall girls kicking up their heels.
3. Various caves. Missouri is situated over limestone which makes for great caves. Fantastic Caverns is one that is so large they take you on a tour in a vehicle. It's pretty neat. I think they said they used to actually have music shows in one section.
4. Oh, of course; Branson. That is if you like country-themed comedy and music shows. They have some great stuff. Of course, I have never been to any of them as they are mostly in the evenings, but why don't you come check it out for me?
5. Missouri has a couple of large cities; Kansas City and St Louis; I have never been to either, but I am sure they have lots of fun things to do there. I want to go to one of the bigger zoos in one city. I think Kansas City has a nice zoo. Maybe some day.
In the meantime; here it is pouring rain and most of the main roads are flooded. It thundered all night. That is the only thing about spring time here; major thunder storms and tornadoes. Ick. I prefer riding out the earthquakes on the west coast; much more fun.


jel said…
don't go to that site,

but StLouis Zoo is very cool ,
Donna. W said…
If you ever get to Kansas City, let me know, perhaps we can meet up. From what I hear, the St. Louis zoo is much better than the KC one. Oh, I love Branson. We usually ride our motorcycle down there at least a couple of times a year for the weekend. We like the has-been country artists like Mickey Gilley and Moe Bandy. We liked them when they were at the top of their careers and still do.
Calfkeeper said…
jel- yeah, well too late. but I deleted the comment.

donna- if I ever get up there I will let you know! Yes, the St. Louis zoo is supposed to be better, but I have to settle with what is closer for now.

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