Grumpy Saturday

No, I am not grumpy. But the weather is. It refuses to become spring. Husband sent the cows down the hill to the bottoms yesterday, but they weren't having anything to do with it. Some of the newest heifers who'd never been down there came back up the hill and stood around in the back lot wondering what was going on. Husband thought they'd be able to find some grass down there, but apparently not. So today he put them back out in the winter lot.

So, no early spring this year. But it's just as well, I'd rather have it this way than what happened last year. Last year we had an early spring; grass, dogwood blooms...etc. Then the first of April it came a 4-5 day deep freeze and killed everything back for a few weeks.

Anyway. This pic is where I'd rather be right now; back in Malaysia. I went there for 2 weeks back in '03 to visit a friend who was over there with her hubby for a year. It was great. This was the apartment complex where we stayed. Nice.


Gledwood said…
Bloody hell that looks lovely weather/environs... especially for a young cow! Palm trees, balmy daze (1/2 the time at least...)...

many thanks for your message. Hang on let me get there then get back to you here re it

(my alzheimerian memory!!)
Gledwood said…
is Missouri THAT palmtreelike? that looks markedly Floridian/South Californian to me...
Gledwood said…
Yeah I think you're right... when Simon of Cyrene was compelled to "carry the cross" I'm pretty sure it meant the crossBAR not the "Christian-style" cross with longer stake (how would he have carted THAT around...?) and also even in The Life of Brian the crosses are huge poles in the ground with a futher arms crossbar

I've heard that it was done on a tree and that as you said the "cross" meant the plank for the arms... apparently (though I'm not absolutely sure) people were often merely TIED up in such a way that their body sagged, killing them internally (but slowly) hence the breaking of the legs...

you may well be right and it is worth researching I don't have the fuller details myself

just beware: you will of course end up hopping on whatever "Christian" group's agenda wherever you Google almost...
Gledwood said…
ps please get back to me if you do find anything further re my comment #3

Donna. W said…
That late freeze last year really did a number on our alfalfa; we won't know just how badly it was hurt until it starts growing this year. I know we lost some plants, I just don't know what percentage.
Donna. W said…
And by the way, what in Sam Hill is Gledwood talking about?
Amrita said…
Happy Easter
Its quite warm here. Wish it was cooler.
Calfkeeper said…
Gled-hahaha...obviously you didn't read to the end of the post-that's Malaysia, not Missouri! Funny guy. Will get back to you on the cross issue.

donna-hmmmm...didn't know a freeze would affect alfalfa so badly. hope things are OK this year. I read somewhere that the Ancient Romans also crucified on a single stake, that didn't have a crosspiece, that is what Gledwood is commenting about.

Amrita-happy Easter to you too!
JO said…
WOW! That looks lile a great place you got to stay at in Malaysia... I want to go there someday. Maybe I will get there. My Dad lives in the Philippines so someday...

I hope the weather had gotten better out there. I know it has been bad... I've seen the news.

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