Round Up in the Creek Bottoms

For lack of time, thought and originality here is a photo from a couple of years back when my nephew was visiting. Riding an ATV and helping with roundup was one of his favorite activities. This also shows a nice shot of what it's like in the bottoms in June.
Very pastoral.


Anonymous said…
I had to stop and think for a second which blog it was that had that particular headline, when this post showed up in my feed reader. LOL.
Amrita said…
this picture and all your farm posts makes me heartsich for a farm like this.

O I wish I could come over and work as a dairymaid for you.I could work for free.
Calfkeeper said…

amrita-well, we do all the work ourselves, but you are welcome to come visit whenever you want. Well, try and avoid the winter time, it's rather dreary, not to mention you might get snowed or iced in.

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