The End of the Virtual Tour-a list of pics

1. This is the milk tank. Husband got this one Feb 05, soon after I arrived here. It holds about 4800 pounds of milk. I think I have stated in another post that we have only had it overflow one time during spring flush; year before last I believe; that was when it measured 4800 lbs. One thing we haven't yet figured out is what we are going to do when baby Ellen gets big enough we can't harness her in her carseat when she is out in the barn. See the valve in the tank at the bottom left tug on that little handle there and all the milk comes flowing out and down the drain just beneath it. Hmmmm...I think we will have to maybe keep her in her stroller.

2. Here are the little calf pens DH made. Also in the pic is the hay shed, which is being emptied quite rapidly, even more so since this was taken. The hay used to be all the way back to the furthest strut which is between the calves in the picture. This little red calf is Rosie's calf, who just happened to be in the right place at the right time when I was out photographing. She's cute, isn't she?

Well, the list will have to stop at two items for today...


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