Snow on the dairy

The little Birthday chair; as promised.

Let's list today is going to be on what's good about snow on the dairy. A couple of days ago we got 7 inches of it. ARGH!!!

1. It covers up the green winter that would NOT be grass.
2. It gives your legs a good work out when you walk through it.
3. It gives your arms a good workout when you shovel it out of the feed bunks.
4. It makes lots and lots of nice gooshy mud when it melts.
5. It fills up the creek when it melts.
6. You get to see lots of animal tracks in it.
7. You can make fun tracks in it yourself when you are riding the 4-wheeler up the road.
8. If you have the time and energy after chores you can make a snowman with it.


jel said…
came by last nite but couldn't leave a comment!

that is a cool looking rocker,

and a CUTE~T~PIE sitting in it!

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