Long Lane Carnival 2012

This year was our first year to participate in this HUGE local event.  LOL

The Long Lane Elementary school annual carnival is the biggest social event of the year in our tiny town.  It is sponsored by the Long Lane Parent Teacher Organization.  Since Ellen started Kindergarten I have been attending PTO meetings.  So far they have all consisted of planning this weekend's event. 

I took my camera, but did not get the chance to really get any good pictures. 

But here's the rundown. 

We got there just barely in time to get tickets and play a couple of games before I had to be at my station at the Duck Pond at 6 PM.  Ellen was not happy to be stuck with me at the Duck Pond for an hour; but she summarily refused to go off and play games with any of her friends or cousins.  She got good at helping me hold out the different boxes so the kids could pick their prizes. 

To make a long story short; Ellen won two stuffed toys (like she NEEDS any more stuffed animals) at the Toy Walk, various little prizes at the Duck Pond and Fishing Hole, and a CAKE at the Cake Walk.  We only played the Cake Walk ONCE and she won straight off; standing behind number 13.  (Let no one ever tell her that 13 is an unlucky number.)

Her dad and aunt showed up in time for the coronation of the king and queen (the Kindergarten class won, as usual) and we stayed around a bit for the auction.  Ellen was about to have a breakdown so I left before they did the raffle.  But when hubby came home he gave me MY prize!!  Can you believe I won something?!!

It was a carwash and a free fix for a chipped windshield; together worth $50. 


Last weekend at a grand opening for CHC Home Center in Marshfield I won a $50 gift card in their grand prize drawing!

Bully for me! 

I went and picked it up and spent it on Friday!

The Howard women are very blessed!



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