A Random Photo
This is just a random shot I took last month of a box turtle. He was hanging out down over the hill in hubby's rust garden. (Well, I don't know what else to call it.) I am 90% sure he's a HE because he had red eyes, though you can't see them very well in the pic here. Usually the males are more colorful than the females.
I wonder about the holes in his shell there; did something try to bite him, did some kid injure him? The world will never know.
Today is our 8th annivesary. We celebrated by doing our civic duty and voting. Such excitement!
I wonder about the holes in his shell there; did something try to bite him, did some kid injure him? The world will never know.
Today is our 8th annivesary. We celebrated by doing our civic duty and voting. Such excitement!