
( may or may not have noticed, if you are following this rather random page, and bless you for doing so, that I have been trying to be more consistent in posting. I feel like I am pretty much posting random nonsense with no direction. When it was Dairy Daze I had a pretty clear sense of what I ought to be posting about. Now that we are "Beyond" the dairy, I just wander off on random subjects. Today will be no different. Maybe I should just totally rename this blog. I had considered just calling it "House of Howard" but the "address" would still be dairydaze. I had considered starting a completely new blog on a different platform, but that seems like a lot of trouble and I don't want to abandon this blog, now that I have come so far. So I am going to continue on with this one, as is, and will continue to post random entries about random subjects that amount to very little, other than the early morning musings of a mid...