We have about 1/2 inch of snow on the ground with temps 22 degrees below freezing. The sun is really bright though.

We have one of these fellows, a redheaded woodpecker, as a regular at our feeder this winter. He sure is pretty, he likes the suet.

I am not getting far with this post. Ellen keeps wanting me to draw things. Believe it or not, the first thing on her list for me to draw for her is a vacuum cleaner. Then she wants a pic of a cat, her dad, her aunt, and then her grandpa. Go figure. Oh, and she wants me to spell her name for her.

She cracks me up. Last night she was wanting to watch Barney yet again and I told her we were going to watch "something else." So I put in "Facing the Giants." (An excellent movie by the way.) After about 30 minutes of watching it she says; "done with 'something else.' Watch Barney." I just laughed and laughed. It's fun to watch as her vocabulary grows how she is able to make her own wants, wishes and opinions known, even at 22 months old.


Anonymous said…
"Done with something else" - LOL!

The woodpecker is really pretty. We don't have birds that brightly coloured round here.
insideoutput said…
...and they keep making their "wants, wishes and opinions" known, right through high school!!

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