Gardening Time, and a Few Memories

According to what everyone else around us has been doing we are a bit late in getting anything out into the garden. Many, if not most, local gardeners have had lettuce, onions and other cool weather things planted for a few weeks. Gary's Aunt Kathy has had lettuce growing in a little planter in her front yard for a month or more. We usually wait 'til the end of March to get going. So all day yesterday was dedicated to gardening. I got the weed eater out and sheered off the garden beds here by the house. Then I got out Little Brother, my rototiller, and tilled them up. Later in the evening I planted every onion slip and bulb I'd bought in the second garden bed. I am going to head to Greasy Creek this morning and get more. Gary was feeling much better yesterday; he's on the recovery end of this bout with COVID, so he did quite a bit of stuff, too. He got the mower going, and mowed the lawn where it's been getting shaggy. He spr...