Making Memories...

Some of my fondest childhood memories involve baking/cooking in the kitchen with different family members. I guess it is the fun of taking raw ingredients, tossing them together, and creating something fun to enjoy together.

(We'll skip the cleaning up memories for now.)

I determined not to be the kind of parent who would tell her child not to come into the kitchen lest she make a mess or ruin something or for whatever reason parents refuse to play in the kitchen with their kids.

Therefore Ellen and I whip up some fun things together. And look how much fun she has doing it!

Here in the above pic we are "folding" bread dough. Her folding involves grabbing chunks and ripping them out of the dough. But at least she's enjoying it.

And what pleasure would I be denying myself if I refused to let her experiment in the kitchen. Children can learn so much by measuring, mixing, pouring, stirring...whatever. And it is fun to see her wonder develop as she watches flour turn into batter and then into dough. Not to mention the flour on her nose. We do have our adventures...without even leaving the house.


Looks like fun! And some fun memories, too!
jel said…
that was cute!!!!! :)
Charlotte said…
I love the picture of Ellen! Her hands and the joy on her face especially.
Frau Guten Tag said…
I used to beg (& beg & beg & beg) my mom to let me help in the kitchen or to teach me stuff in the kitchen & she always made me so sad (& still does I have to admit) so I commend you for making these memories!!

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