Lots of Mud

The snow has melted and now we are knee deep in mud in some places. Literally.

At the corral up the road where the dry cows reside I have to do some tricky stepping to keep from losing my boots. On one side of the feed bunks the mud and water came up to about an inch below the top of my boots. This doesn't bother me too much in and of itself, it's when the cow critters come charging in to get their feed that it gets kind of dicey. It's hard to move fast when you are knee-deep in mud. I have started closing the gate to keep them out until AFTER I have put out the feed. I told hubby that I need to take a pic of the mud and post IT instead of the snow pic as my main photo, but he says everyone knows what mud is like.

What else has been going on in the past week?

We got a little heifer calf yesterday. Hubby went and got it today.

At church the teens and I are planning a Youth Night for them, on a Fri night in mid-February. They are so excited. We are going to have this 18 yr old come and speak. I have never met him, but he used to have a Christian band. Now that's on hold and he is doing speaking gigs around locally. Most of the kids know him and are anxious to hear him speak.

I am trying to think of other fun things for them to do that night. But I am coming up empty. Since it'll be Valentine's day that Sunday I thought maybe something like a cakewalk would be fun. I'll have to consult with the other adults.

Last night in Wed Teen class I did my second session on the evolution vs. creation lessons. I read off quotes from evolutionists and atheists regarding the subject. It is reassuring to me that the teens I have are so well-grounded in their faith. Or at least they put on a good show. They love when I do things like that; bring in opposing views and have them answer from a Christian perspective. I figure it's the kind of stuff they will encounter out in the real world and they may as well learn NOW how to answer for themselves.

That's all for now.


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