Object Identification

I have discovered that almost 3 year olds have an immense "scope of imagination" as Anne Shirley would have put it. Add to it the tendency to get so many look-alike things confused and you have fun stuff. For instance...these are "nests." They aren't really clear in the picture, but they are the whites of a boiled egg that I quartered for her lunch. She eats the yolk, but leaves the "nests." The following item is a "vacuum" which she seems to think is used to clean the shower. I caught her "vacuuming" the walls with it. (Please note; I do NOT let my child play with razors, she had it before I could think.) And this final montage is where imitative imagination comes into play. Here she has set up a scene from one of her favorite kids' stories. Can you guess...a mop, a throw rug, a one-armed teddy bear and a pair of shoes. It's Cinderella, of course. Silly that you couldn't think of it. The mop is Cinderella herse...