CATS!!! Chapter 2
This new kitten is set to be the straw that broke the camel’s back…or shred my final nerve, as it were.
Ellen’s birthday, February 27th, dawned fair and warm. At about 7 AM, when Ellen had got up and was stirring about, she went to the front door to let the cats out. This ding dang kitten went bounding happily out and straight off the bat, right out of the gate, and whatever other cliche saying you want to come up with…scampered up a tree right by the front porch.
And up and up she went, oh, I’d say a good 25-30 feet.
And there she stayed for a good 34-35 hours I think it was. She would meow when she saw us come out, but she was too scared to get down on her own. I didn’t sleep much that night for worrying about her. At least it was warmish and didn’t rain. But we have lots of owls in the area and that haunted me all night.
We wracked our brains thinking of how to get her down. Gary was done cutting poles and using his dozer for the little wretch.
So yesterday, Friday, I swallowed my pride and put out a public plea on Facebook. A very kind lady named Dawna got me in touch with a guy named Curtis N who ragged a bit about it, but came out and got her down. He runs a tree trimming business. He brought his bucket truck.
He didn’t charge me anything for coming out. In fact, both he and his wife, who’d come along, were amused because he had another cat to go rescue right after mine. He said he has rescued quite a few cats. I thanked them both profusely.
And so far we have not let Chica out of the house again.
I am beginning to understand why her mom left her behind. Ha! Not that I think it was deliberate on the mama cat’s part. Just think this kitten is the beatinest thing at getting into predicaments. The date that we got her down from the FIRST tree was January 27, 2025. Exactly a month ago!
I’m going to get chicken wire and put cuffs around every tree within a mile of the house. Maybe that will prevent this from happening again.