Sale Barn

 Last Thursday Gary decided to sell our 5 oldest bull calves. He’d caught one of them going after a cow in heat. Haha!  So he figured they were old enough to sell. 

So we separated them out, loaded them up and headed to the sale barn in Lebanon. 

We stayed there until they were sold. That took a good 2 1/2 hours, I believe. While we were sitting there and the different groups of cattle were being run through I developed the WORST allergy attack ever. I started off sneezing, then started coughing and wheezing. I finally had to go out to the car, which thankfully I’d driven behind the truck/trailer, due to possible mechanical failure with the truck. In the back of the car I still have a box of medical masks from the COVID 19 days. I got one of those. People must’ve thought I was an idiot, but it really helped. My lungs stayed tight for a couple of days after. Gary thinks it was the cow dandruff that set me off, I think it must have been a combination of the dust they initially kicked up, and just pollen and dirt and dust from outside.  It was super windy that day.

Anyway, here is a shot of the two bull calves we had that had white feet. They are out of the Beefmaster/Holstein cross cows we still have from the dairy herd. 

The beef calves with white feet sell for much less than the all black ones. For some reason I guess they think they don’t taste as good. Haha. 

Our neighbors were there to get a couple of beef to raise. I don’t think they had much luck. Everything was selling for close to, or over, $3/lb. And what didn’t sell that high wasn’t worth bringing home. 


Donna. W said…
Long ago when we used to go to cattle auctions, I recall seeing older men wearing a mask when they were inside the building watching cattle sell.
Calfkeeper said…
Ah. That’s good to know. Thank you.

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