This Crazy Kitten!


This kitten is going to drive me into an anxiety attack. 

She lives to climb. I mean, she LIVES to climb. Due to earlier reasons I have posted about; namely TWICE getting herself stuck up a tree and not having the nerve or skill to climb back down, I no longer allow her to go outside by herself. In the house she climbs all over everything she can, and as high as she can.

Now she only gets outside if I harness her up on a lead and take her outside for a walk that way.  This morning I took her out while I hung out laundry. I attached another lead to the pink one that came with the harness. It’s a good thing I did. She sniffed around and explored a bit out by the clothes line. When I finished that I followed her around the yard exploring here and there. 

Then she started eyeing a tree and talking to herself: prrrt, prrrt…. She took a run at one and went up maybe 4 feet then came back down. 

Then she ambled around a bit more til she saw the tree in the picture above. She talked to herself a bit more then made a beeline for it, and straight up she went  I snagged the end of the lead and made her stop at yhr little limb she’s sitting on.  She went out on it a bit, then started looking upward. 

I was afraid she was going to get the lead tangled in the twigs or something, so I just hauled her down from there and made her jump.  Maybe she will learn better, or learn how to get down in her own.  But I am not holding my breath.  

She has already been more trouble than every cat I’ve ever had all combined.  Just yesterday she discovered the toilet paper in the smaller bathroom. Three times she played with it, drug the end of it out the door into the hall. I finally took the roll off the holder and put it in the vanity. Fortunately it’s a small bathroom and you can reach it from the stool. 

Anyway. I don’t know if I’ll be able to put up with her insanity for years and years.  I can’t see her getting any easier to deal with as she ages. 

Send ideas on how to train a cat to descend trees!  Haha!!


Donna. W said…
Just think, I was stupid enough to get TWO kittens a once. What rebels they were! They aren't done growing, but they have settled down a lot. Most of the time now they use the scratching poles I bought. The main thing they do wrong now is run in either bathroom when I forget to shut a door: Unique likes to play in the bathroom stool, so if I use the bathroom, they will end up sitting down on a wet seat. They love to sneak up when either one of us heads toward a bathroom door; if you aren't watching, they will run in with us. It's a game to both of them to see who is the fastest, cats or humans.
Donna. W said…
"I" will sit, not "they" will sit. LOL
Calfkeeper said…
Haha…kittens are a never ending adventure for sure. This one likes to get into the fridge, too. She can slip right in without my seeing her.

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