Cat Training!!


Since the last incident where this crazy kitten got stuck up a tree, two weeks ago, I think it was, I haven’t let her out of the house….unless she is in her harness and on her lead. She doesn’t much care for it, but she tolerates it ok. 

She is only about 5 or 6 months old, and I can’t picture having to keep her as a strictly inside cat the rest of her life, but I am super nervous about letting her outside. 

So we are attempting to give her tree descending lessons. Haha!!  Gary, who is over 6 ft tall, will give her a little toss up over his head onto the side of a tree. She does manage to back herself down, but she seems to be fine descending from that height. It’s just when shee ed gets up over 15+ feet that she can’t seem to figure out how to turn around and come down. 


If I knew of a strictly indoor home where she would be loved and cared for, I’d give her away. Worrying about her constantly when she is outside wears on my nerves. 


Donna. W said…
You know, it was when my Blue cat got caught by some animal and dies that I said I'd never have another cat. The one day I went to get my hair cut. The hairdresser's black cat came out and came to me and I said, "Oh, I miss my cat so much." And now I have two house cats, with all the things you have to do for house cats. Cliff hated the idea, but he puts up with them for me and doesn't often get grumpy about it.
Calfkeeper said…
Our problem is that she is determined to get out. I think she is safer inside, much fewer chances of getting bobcat fever from ticks. But she meows and meows to get out.

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