Cat Training!!
Since the last incident where this crazy kitten got stuck up a tree, two weeks ago, I think it was, I haven’t let her out of the house….unless she is in her harness and on her lead. She doesn’t much care for it, but she tolerates it ok.
She is only about 5 or 6 months old, and I can’t picture having to keep her as a strictly inside cat the rest of her life, but I am super nervous about letting her outside.
So we are attempting to give her tree descending lessons. Haha!! Gary, who is over 6 ft tall, will give her a little toss up over his head onto the side of a tree. She does manage to back herself down, but she seems to be fine descending from that height. It’s just when shee ed gets up over 15+ feet that she can’t seem to figure out how to turn around and come down.
If I knew of a strictly indoor home where she would be loved and cared for, I’d give her away. Worrying about her constantly when she is outside wears on my nerves.