Another Sale Barn Trip

 I know you are all getting tired of my rescued picture posts from my hacked Facebook account, so here's another fun Howard adventure story. 

Because Gail had never been to a sale barn with an auction in full swing Gary decided that all 4 of us should go.  So we loaded up and headed to the Lebanon sale barn for their once per month special cow sale. 

Gail was fascinated by the whole process.  It was all beef.  A few bulls, then cows and calves and cow/calf pairs. The benches were mostly full.  There were whole families there; mom, dad and 4 kids under 10 it looked like.  One was a baby.  There were several families like that. Plus everything in between in the farm family genre. Lol. I liked just watching the people. 

We sat way up high, where the dust wasn't too bad, but still about halfway through I could feel my allergies beginning to work on me. Thankfully I'd remembered to bring a mask. That really helped. As we were leaving Gail said it had affected her as well.  

Ellen was doing great until about 3/4 of the way through our time there the guy behind her tipped over his chew cup.  It went all under the feet of the little girl who was sitting next to Ellen.  Fortunately it didn't get right under Ellen's feet, but she still got one shoe in it a bit.  Gross. Ellen said he had a pretty foul mouth, too.  

It was interesting, but I certainly wouldn't want to make auction attendance regular Howard Family Entertainment outings. 


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