Rain, Rain
Time keeps getting away from me and far as daily blogging. Once upon a time I'd thought that when I reached my 50s I'd have all the time in the world.
The Lord had other plans. And events just seem to coincide. Life is like that, I am learning.
In the meantime, while life is happening and I am dealing with it, the weather has been very wet.
I don't really have a photo to show how wet it has been, so here is my onion patch full of weeds.
I have weeded it since taking this picture, but it has been hard to stay on top of the weeding. When it is wet like this, even when you till the weeds often have one tendril of root left in the wet dirt and just recover and continue to grow. The dirt never dries out long enough for the entire root to dry.
I do not know if it's the abundance of rain or not, but very few of the seeds to any of my vining plants or squash have been germinating. Only 3 out of maybe 15-20 cucumber seeds sprouted, and ZERO out of the same number of zucchini seeds sprouted. And ZERO out of perhaps that many pumpkin seeds have sprouted.
It is difficult to tell what's what here, but close to the center of the photo, shooting up from near the white bowl, is the stem of the hibiscus that came up from the roots. So far, for the past 2 springs, it has died back in winter and come back from the roots in spring.
Here is a shot of a teensy sprout of the same hibiscus coming from the base of the old stem.