Foggy Friday

 We have had a few showers pass over us through the night.  It is after 7 AM, overcast and a bit foggy, as it sometimes is after a rain.  

Yesterday I mudded in green bean seeds in the hopes they will be ready to harvest and can BEFORE we take our vacation in mid July.  Also in hopes that we are out from under the threat of a freeze.  I have seen it snow in early May, on this very date of the 3rd.  This would have been my mother-in-law's 88th birthday, I believe.  I remember going up to her house toting in her gift bags and presents with it snowing.  It didn't last long and it melted right off, I believe, but there is still the potential there to nip any newly sprouted veggies.

I did set out tomatoes and peppers, mostly because I am tired of babying them along in their teensy little trays. They look like they are feeling the strain, so I am taking the chance and setting them out to make it or not.

Here is just a random picture.

 This iris clump is really putting on a show this year.  Last year there's weren't as many blooms.  There is a reason for that which has to do with rhizome growth, but I'm still learning iris care and propagation.

Another random photo:

This tree is like an old friend.  I take a picture almost every time we go by it.  You can just barely see Bella in the background.  She still loves going on long walks, but not as long as before.  She's ten now, and is happy to go back to the house for a nap about the same time I am.  We all slow down with accruing age, more's the pity.  

Well, time to get busy with life today. I'm going to get my okra seed to soaking, then get those planted tomorrow maybe.  


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