Run For the Camera Sunset

 Two nights ago we had the above sunset which, as you can see, was one of those where you throw down everything you are doing and run for the camera, or your cell phone, or whatever device you might have to capture it.  

These dramatic sky scenes, at least the ones I catch, always seem to happen in fall or winter when there are no leaves on the trees and all looks rather stark and dystopian.  It must be either the weather, the atmosphere or a combination of both.  Or the fact that when there are leaves on the trees I can't manage to capture the same light. 

It has been a busy weekend.  For Ellen anyway.  On Friday night in our local town they had a cookie crawl, sponsored by a local business.  You bought a card for $5 at that business, then around the town square were 30 booths set up by other businesses or organizations.  At each booth there were cookies, you could pick one cookie (if you wanted to) and have your card stamped.  After you got all 30 stamps you turned your card back in at the main business to be put into a drawing for a chance to win a $100 gift certificate to that business.  

Ellen was there with her FBLA group.

I sent Ellen in with 2 dozen Snickerdoodle cookies.  To be honest I didn't expect many people to show up.  But the coordinator from the sponsoring business came by and told them to expect to make a cookie run because they had sold over 200 cards to be filled!  Holy Smokes!  

The event turned into a big community gathering with socializing and fun and most everyone calling out that they wanted to do this again next year.  If they do, they ought to have more than one business sponsoring the whole shebang. 

Then yesterday morning was the town Christmas Parade, in which FBLA had a float of course. The theme this year was Warm Winter Wishes, so the group came up with a Hawaiian theme.  They had Mele Kalikimaka down the side, but of course I couldn't get it all into one photo, it was too large and there were too many people up and down the road.  There was a dolphin up top towing a blowup Santa on a surf board.  Cute. 


 Ellen, below, had her hand in front of her face waving. 

They won Best of Show for their float.  I am not sure if they won an actual prize, or just the title.  They had fun though, both making the float and participating.  The weather was perfect; cool but sunny.  Last year it drizzled on them and soaked all the float decorations.



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