Merry Christmas Eve 2023
Smudge in the window.
Christmas Eve when I was a kid always meant opening presents. We always opened them that evening. So did my sister's family. (Just bear with that idea for a bit. Haha...I don't want to go off on a rabbit trail here.) Her mom and family always did a big get together on Christmas Eve evening.
Anyway. Here is where I run up against it when it comes to Christmas memories. I do not have any overwhelming memory of specific gifts really. I seem to remember something about getting this toy called the Sunshine Family. It was big back in the 70s. I really wanted them. I remember there was a family of 3 with a traveling van or something like that. I was thrilled. I must have been 7 or 8 maybe. I don't remember.
I think I remember birthday presents more than Christmas. Birthdays always marked milestones. When we kids turned 10 my dad always got us a new bicycle. Also when I turned ten Dad thought I was old enough to carry a pocket knife. That was a rite of passage. At age ten I was also deemed responsible enough to have a little hatchet and chop kindling.
Christmas meant gifts, of course, and I never lacked a pile of them. But birthdays were more a rite of passage.