West Coast Journey, part one..of Airlines and Gimpers

(Haven't had a chance to get on-line in the past couple of days; Thurs Ellen had her 15 mo check-up and Fri it was stormy all day.)

The West Coast vacation/trip started off with a bang. On Thurs May 22 I called to confirm my flight from MO to CA on 24 May. I was told by the airline that there was no record of my having a flight on that date and furthermore the flight I was scheduled for no longer existed! I was told to call Expedia-the web company I booked it through. OK. I called Expedia and "Ramon" helped me out. In Feb I had originally booked a round trip from MO to CA, then I called a couple weeks later and tried to make it a round trip from MO to CA on 24 May to OR on 31 May and back to MO on 7 June. However, the United Airlines dude who had helped me had cancelled the first leg of the trip from MO to CA on 24 May, so I was booked from CA to OR on 31 May and from Or to MO on 7 June. Great.

To make a long story short (literally) ONE HOUR AND 47 MINUTES after I called Expedia to try and straighten the whole mess out I ended up having to buy a whole new ticket from United Airlines to get from Missouri to CA on 24 May! I had to muddle my way through to the United supervisor and managed to get the ticket for $296, instead of the extra $1,000 they told me I would have to spend.

By the end of the hour and forty seven minutes Ramon from Expedia and I were great friends; both of us having spent most of the time on hold by United Airlines. Ramon worked for Expedia, in the Philippines. He said there were 500 employees there and it was one of the most sought after jobs in the area. (No wonder our economy is going down the tubes here in the US) He said he's a law student and had been fortunate enough to have parents well-off enough to send him to fairly prestigious schools to learn English, which he spoke really well. Somewhere around the hour mark I thanked him for his help and he advised me that it was no problem; he was a gimper he said...always ready to go the extra mile for his customers. If I had been in any condition to be amused at the time I would have laughed. It just seemed so incongruous with my problem.


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