Random Photos

 For the sake of a lack of anything really cohesive to write about here, I will just post a series of random photos I have taken the past few days.  A couple of them I might have posted on Facebook.  

Photo #1.  Here is Smudge with Ellen.  I took these on Smudge's birthday, April 6th.  She is 4 years old now.  We got her from a rescue a gal had in a place she rented south of Buffalo.  Her name was Julia Stidham.  We got a new kitten there in the middle of the freaking COVID-19 pandemic, it was June 2020, because our cat Matilda was old, 15 at the time I believe, and because Ellen needed a distraction during the lockdown.  

What was heartbreaking about this is that Julia, the young woman who was starting up the pet rescue was killed in a one vehicle wreck just 6 months later; it was mid-December, I believe.  She was just in her mid to upper 20s and left behind 2 young children, as well as her husband.  So heartbreaking.

Photo #2:  

Here are a few scrubbies I recently loom knitted.  In the background are the little bunny baskets I knitted to take to the Easter vendor event at Johnny's Store.  I didn't get to attend that event due to Gary having come down with COVID 4 days prior to that event.  Neither Ellen nor I ended up catching it, but I couldn't in good conscience trot off to a very public event not knowing if I might be spreading it around.  The baskets will store until next year. The scrubbies are going to go to the Buffalo Art Walk in May; along with a bunch of my other stuff.  Which reminds me...while I am here on the computer I need to get signed up for that.  

Photo #3

This is Frank.  He belongs to the elderly couple I stay with once a week.  Frank is an English Shepherd and is as sweet as he is cute.  I took a picture of him to show to Ellen and I just hadn't deleted it from my phone yet.  

Photo #4

This was the veggies for our supper one day last week.  I dunno why I take pics of food....maybe just for this very reason; to do a random blog about.  At any rate; this is how I have been fixing vegetables lately; roasted in the oven in the cast iron frying pan.  Roasted vegetables just taste better than steamed or stir fried or pretty much any other way, at least at the moment.  This actually is a mixture of bits and pieces of the raw veggies I had in the fridge.  I think there's a few Brussels Sprouts in there as well.  

Photo #5

This is an annual cicada shell from last year, still hanging on the siding of the house.  It's in a protected place where the wind and rain can't get to it.  This coming summer is supposed to be a double periodical cicada hatching in some areas.  Both the 17 year and the 13 year cicadas are going to hatch at the same time; something that only happens once in a couple of centuries.  It won't be happening here in Missouri, fortunately; though that would be a tale to tell for sure.  But one brood of periodical cicadas hatching is plenty.  


Random Note

Another Great American Eclipse is happening again today.  It is going to go through Missouri again, mostly over to the E and SE part of the state.  Gary, Gail and Kathy are going to drive over to hit the totality zone again.  Ellen has classes she can't miss, so I am not going either.  I am kind of bummed, but that is how things go.  The next total solar eclipse in the USA isn't until 2044.  I might still be around then, but it will be up north, mostly in Canada, so I probably won't be able to get to that one.  Then on August 12, 2045 yet another total solar eclipse will go over the US, and that will be to the south of us.  If I am around I might insist we drive down to Arkansas to catch it.  Of course there are any number of total eclipses going on around the world.  Maybe when my financial ship come in I will just take a vacation and go see one.  Haha...  

Oh oh!  July 22 2028 there is a total eclipse going on across Australia!  Now with a great deal of saving and conniving I might make it to that one!  Hahaha!  It's a goal worth working towards, though. 


Donna. W said…
There wasn't much to see of the eclipse from our car as we went home from Jamesport. Just a little darker and cooler outside. I saw the one seven years ago, and I really wasn't too interested this time.

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