Lots of Rain

 It has been a wet weekend, from Thursday night through today; Sunday evening at the moment.  We've had well over 4 inches, and it is coming down gangbusters again. 

This is what Four Mile Creek looked like yesterday afternoon when Ellen and I went to our friend's boutique.

I don't know how long it has been since the creek has jammed up the bridge this badly.  I think since it hasn't flowed through consistently for a long time, much less been so high, there was a great amount of debris collected along the bed.  The big rain just kashooshed it along all at once.

I'm thankful for the rain though, the ponds were getting so low.


Donna. W said…
Looking ahead for two weeks on the forecast, it’s amazing all the rain chances they have been putting in lately! Many of them are only small chances, so we probably won’t get rain all the time. But it seems like after so many dry days that we are getting back to normal, and I have thanked God over and over.
Calfkeeper said…
Yes, I keep thanking Him, too. We have been so parched here for too long.

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