More Snow

Not much, but enough to make our morning walk enchanting. I don't really know as Bella cared one way or the other about taking a walk in the snow, but she enjoyed herself as usual. I enjoyed myself, too. Snow makes familiar sights along the walk enchanting. I wonder if it makes it more difficult for Bella to smell where the squirrels have been. Every weed, every vine and tree are turned into a work of art, etched over with white. I see the above vine looped over on itself most every day we go down there, but seeing it covered in white makes it really stand out. I think it's an old grape vine. It would have to be old. Gary had the cows down there in summers for close on to 20 years or more, and they wouldn't have allowed a new grapevine to grow. In fact, since there haven't been cows down there for a couple of years now, there's more and more vegetation taking over again. Probably even poison ivy/poison oak, though ...