Fat Tuesday-The Wedding Shower Edition

Hmmmm...yeah. What do they serve at wedding showers? Broccoli? Carrots? A nice fruit tray? Ummm...no. But, well. It WAS Sunday afternoon. And I had already decided that Sunday is the day of the week that I am going to cut myself a break and splurge a weeeeee tad. So I had a cup of punch and a polite chunk of cake. It is gratifying to note that after a week of avoiding sugary things anything with sugar in it now tastes cloyingly sweet. And I did try the Skinny Chunky Monkey cookies as suggested by the Lumberjack's Wife. I will post a link if I ever get time. Needless to say, with no eggs or sugar, they taste like a vegan dessert, but in a pinch they will satisfy your sweet tooth. Hubby ate a couple and pronounced them "OK" and probably would eat them if there were nothing else sweet in the house. But Ellen was totally unimpressed; "they taste funny." Five year olds. Gotta trust ...