The Case of the Cursed Pants

Last week when Ellen and I went to Lebanon we went to one of their excellent thrift stores downtown. Ellen loves to go to this particular store. I suspect it's because they have a kids' playroom. But she also loves to get "new" clothes.

I found a cute little pair of pants. (I don't have a pic because they are currently in the laundry...more on that later.) They are knit, light pink, with rhinestones on the bottom cuffs. They were only $1.50 because they had a faded spot on the bottom front. But since they are so light in color anyway you can't really tell, and for that price I figured they'd make great play pants, since they are in great shape otherwise.

So the first time she has them on, Friday, we go outside to play. She almost immediately kneels in the grass and gets stains on the knees. When we go in I take them off and treat them and get them clean as new.

The second time she wears them was Tuedsay, when she had that touch of flu or whatever bug. She was so draggy and tired that she was dozing and when she woke up and got up to go pee she didn't make it. Off they came for another laundering.

Today. Yes, today I put them on her again. Then after lunch she has maybe 2 bites of a brownie bar. She is still sitting there at the table but she lifts up her leg and there she's got chocolate plastered on the bottom of both sides of the pants.

Yes, they are in the sink soaking as I write this.

Poor pants.

I am wondering if I ought to let her wear them again. No telling what will happen the next time!


Frau Guten Tag said…
Hahaha, glad Im not alone in this. Joseph has always had certain clothes that he never gets to wear cuz he ALWAYS gets it dirty in less than an hour when wearing it.

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